Supernatural: Season 8 Episode 1 “We need to talk about Kevin”

  It begins One Year Later. Somewhere in Maine a couple is camping when they are suddenly awaken to a flash of light, and a loud noise. Soon something, or someone is seen running from outside of their tent. The husband/boyfriend looks to see what, or who it is?! The camper is soon face to face with a feral looking “Dean” (played by Jensen Ackles) “Where am I?” “Where’s the road?”     they blurt out a response, and watch as the crazed “Dean” runs off but not before he steals their camping bag.    “Dean” is hitchhiking to some place..and looks to be in discomfort as he is holding his left forearm. I am sure it will be explained.  “Dean” “This better be you, you son of a bitch!” “Dean” begins to dig a grave, and shows why he is holding his forearm looks like a red glowing parasite is causing his discomfort. “Dean” cuts the area on his arm letting the very red blood/substance onto the corpse. In which a vampire named “Benny”( played by “Ty Olsson” X2, Falling Skies)     is flesh again.  “Dean”, and a Vampire escape “Purgatory” together..interesting. Obviously “Purgatory” has changed “Dean” I’m sure but “Dean” seems to be friends with “Benny” figure “Dean” would rather kill a Vampire then be-friend one?!  “Sam” (played by Jared Padalecki) is quietly creeping out of a females bedroom in the middle of the night. “Sam” does look to be upset at himself for doing this but I assume he has his reasons for creeping out but I would have taken the dog…he looked like he wanted to go?! 🙂  “Sam” drives to “Rufus” Cabin. Before “Sam” gets comfy he is rushed by “Dean” then soaked in Holy water-Not a Demon..check, Cleaning Solution-Not Leviathan..check, and sliced with a knife-Not a shifter..check.  “Sam” wants to say “Hello” to his big brother he knows the crazy man before him is his brother.  But “Dean” being “Dean” looks annoyed when “Sam” wont follow suite so “Dean” soaks himself in Holy Water, and Cleaning Solution then cuts his arm to prove he himself is not a Demon, Leviathan, or shifter to his baby brother. “Dean” “All right, lets do this!”    “Sam” “I don’t know whether to give you a hug, or take a shower?!”    “Sam” is surprised “Dean” was in “Purgatory”, and got out..”Dean” “A well, I guess standing too close to exploding “Dick” sends your ass straight to “Purgatory”” “Dean” is being little to vague on the topic of “Purgatory”, and “Cass” Dead, or Alive? For me as a fan of the show killing off “Castiel” would seriously piss me off!! 😦   “Sam” informs “Dean” he no longer hunts The Supernatural so he ditched all his cells, And that is the reason why he never heard any of “Dean’s” messages. “Dean” looks seriously pissed off at his baby brother right now. “Dean” then asks “Sam” in around about way did “Sam” look for him? “Sam” admits he did not, and choose to ignore everything as well as everyone then moved on with his life..ouch. You see the pain in “Dean’s” face.    While listening to messages “Sam” didn’t on his cell “Dean” comes across messages left by scared “Prophet Kevin”( played by Osric Chau) asking “Sam” for Help.  “Dean” is once again disappointed in his little brothers non-actions (seriously not liking Sam in this episode) he reminds “Sam” that “Kevin” was their responsibility.  Some fire got light under “Sam’s” ass, or “Sam” just use to “Dean” holding his hand.. you pick? “Sam” goes over the messages “Kevin” left, and figures out “Kevin’s” last message was from a Bus Station. They are figuring he went there to be with his girlfriend “Channing” (played by “Lissa Neptuno” Psych, EndGame) who is attending College in Michigan.  Once in the Impala “Dean” notices a Dog smell…wow good sense of smell Dean..of course “Sam” plays dumb to not get “Dean” bitching.  While looking into a vending machine, and listening to two boys play shoot each other in the background “Dean” begins to flashback to his time in “Purgatory”.    “Dean” is chasing someone/thing in “Purgatory” once “Dean” catches him, it is a “Vampire”, and “Dean” is questioning him on the where a bouts of “Cass”  “Vampire” “Your him!” “The Human” “Dean” doesn’t like his response to his question, and the “Vampire” is beheaded. I am liking the blood, dark tone, and violence in this episode it has been a while for the show. Usually its more comedic, and for me… boring. Not totally where I would like “Supernatural” to go but still it is an improvement. 🙂   “Dean” gets tackled to the ground but someone/thing comes to his aid, and it is “Benny” the “Vampire” “Dean” escaped “Purgatory” with.    By the conversation they are having I would say “Dean”, & “Benny” were not friends at first sight.  “Dean” comes back to real time, and he is sitting on a Motel bed looking agitated.  “Sam” is being nonchalant  with everything.  Time, and the situations we go through change us for some better, and unfortunately others worsens them.  “Sam” admits to meeting a woman “Amelia” (played by “Liane Balaban” Alphas, The Wisher), and her dog..of course while saying dog “Sam” is eyeing “Dean” he knows that bitch fit is coming..haha   “Sam” choose to go one with his life. “Dean” “So what..You, you dropped your peanut butter into her chocolate” “How did it happen?”  “Hey the rules are simple Sam you don’t take a joint from a guy named Don, and there’s no dogs in the car” I am enjoying Dean’s lines this episode.  “Dean”  agrees to tell “Sam” about his time in “Purgatory”    “It was bloody, messy, 31 flavors of bottom dwelling nasties. Hell most days felt like 360 degrees combat. But there was something about being there, felt pure.”  “Dean” flashbacks to how he, and “Benny” meet, and agreed to help but at same time watch their backs from each other.  “Benny” “Maybe you like being man meat for every Tom, Dick, and Harry” haha cute.  “Benny” tells “Dean” how they can escape “Purgatory” but first “Dean” tells “Benny” before they go “Benny” has to help “Dean” find “Castiel”, and reluctantly he agrees.  “Sam”, & “Dean” visit “Kevin’s” girlfriend “Channing” at her college dorm but “Kevin” isn’t there, and “Channing” hasn’t seen him, or have any interest in him since “Kevin” is now crazy. The Winchester brothers leave, and soon we see “Channing” is possessed by a “Demon”. The “Demon” possessed “Channing” slits her roommates throat to make a call to Hell, and inform “Crowley” (played by Mark A. Sheppard) that “Dean” is back.  “Sam” is using computer tricks he learned from “Charlie”, or “Frank Devereaux” to find where “Kevin” really is, and looks to be in Iowa sitting in a coffee shop. “Kevin” is hiding out in an abandoned Church.    Once breaking in they are face to face with a super soaker filled with cleaning solution. “Kevin” tells the boys how he got away, and finding written in a tablet how to kill “Demons”, and close the gates of “Hell” permanently.   “Sam” is bothered by “Kevin” living “Dean”, and the life “Sam” was trying to run from, and the person “Kevin” is having to become because of it.  “Dean” feels it is a must, and ya “Kevin” no longer has a choice in his life path.  “Sam” goes to apologize to “Kevin” on how he abandoned him, and talk about how things will be for “Kevin” now on. “Kevin” admits he his still coming to terms with being a “Prophet”, and mourning the life he always wanted for himself  but moving on with the new one set before him.     “Sam” “Ya it sucks right now I know that, and it might suck a lot longer” “Trust me on this “It Gets Better”!”  “Kevin” “You know I’m not Gay..Right?!” haha   “Dean” was listening in on “Kevin”, and “Sam’s” bonding moment. “Sam” has been having flashbacks of his own. Seems “Sam” hit a dog he is carrying in a dog in a bloody towel. Screaming at the Vet Tech for help, and later getting knocked off his horse by the Veterinarian whom than guilt’s him into taking the stray hurt dog.    This must be the woman “Sam” was telling “Dean” about, and the dog he left behind.  The Church begins to violently shake looks like the guys will be welcoming guests. “Dean” hands “Sam” a knife, and brings one of his toys from “Purgatory” out to play “Sam” “What is that?”.  “Demon” “Dean Winchester back from Purgatory”  “Dean” “Spanky the Demon ya I heard about you, you’re the one that uses too much teeth…right” The Winchester brothers get to kill the unwanted guests, and “Kevin” even joins in no longer the “Kevin” to run, and hide.    “Crowley” appears with him is “Channing” “Kevin’s” girlfriend whom is “Demon” possessed but “Crowley” promises if “Kevin” comes willingly he will leave her alive, and un-possessed. Raise your hand if you believe “Crowley” *Looking* nope not one..well o.k that idiot right there has his hand up but he don’t count there is always one idiot in a crowd 🙂  “Dean”, &”Sam” beg “Kevin” not to listen, and go with “Crowley” but “Kevin” has his mind made up, and goes to the backroom to get his things. As always “Crowley” has the best lines but unfortunately I got sleepy so didn’t write them down before deleted from my DVR..I know I am now that idiot in the crowd 😦   Love cunty “Crowley”   The King of Hell begins to get inpatient waiting for “Kevin” so “Crowley”, and “Demon” possessed “Channing” go see what the hold up is, and get a bucket of “Holy Water to the face. “Kevin” than yells for the brothers to run for it, and “Kevin” jumps in the back of the Impala.    But before totally escaping “Kevin” witnesses “Crowley” killing “Channing”.  The Winchester Brothers, and “Kevin” make a stop at a gas station, and “Kevin” looks to be in shock from seeing his girlfriend get her neck snapped sorry for “Kevin” but I actually liked that scenes. “Dean” received a call but played it off then called back, and it is “Benny” he looks to be at a funeral service either he caused the death, into the mourners, eating the dead/necrophilia, or enjoying the services?   “Benny”, & “Dean” have a chat, and agree to no contact unless their is an emergency. Leave thoughts on this Episode, and how you feel Season 8 is going so far in the comments..Thanks for Read.   Episode 2 Promo    Episode 2 sneak peek #1